Stephen has been weaving rugs from our wool, with the inspiration and unique method of our neighbor, Robin Goss. The yarn is made at Green Mountain Spinnery in Putney VT.
The sampler above is primitive work but I, Stephen (AKA the little red hen) am very proud of it. I built the loom, fashioned beater and battens from our maple and willow trees, sheared a sheep, spun her wool, dyed the weft yarns ( with Pro-chem colors) and made a small hanging, shown here in progress. The only thing imported was the warp yarn, bought from a Navajo weaver. There’s no better way to appreciate good Navajo weaving than by trying it yourself.
The rugs, only three of which are shown, are woven on a floor loom with extra-wide heddles. Robin Goss made this loom available to me. A 14-foot runner using colored braid strips won supreme exhibit in the the wool room at the Dutchess County Fair in 2009. Our daughter Miranda owns it.

A 38″ x 60″ rug which Stephen wove and bound in 2004.

A 3 x 5 rug woven by Stephen from our 100% Romney all natural-colored wool.